Fast forward a few years later when CostCo finally opened up in Taipei and started selling cases of this brew. I bought some, but started getting some light obnoxious headaches. Not the kind after a heavy bout of drinking, but sometimes just after a bottle or two. Since then, I swore off this gold medal beer until re-tasting it again for this bit.
Of course, some may be asking, how the h-e-double-hockey-sticks did this beer get to be called Gold Medal. Well, back in 2002 it won a silver medal at the Brewing Industry International Awards (winners' list) for a lager with ABV from 4.5-5.%. TTL must've been slapping everyone's backs over this, but it must be stated that they won the Silver, while the Gold went to....... drum rolls please........ Miller Genuine Draft (though made in Ireland. They make it better there than in U.S.? I'm guessing not that much better.). Sheet. MGD was what we bought by the caseload for beer parties in college. I.e, it was butt cheap in price. But, I give TTL very big credit for beating out the Bronze winner of Samuel Adams Boston Lager (pic), which has only in the past 2 summers shown up on shelves at 7-11 stores in Taiwan (don't get me started on why 7-11 didn't carry SABL year-round after summer 2010, considering its shelves were nearly always empty after foreigners would scoop them up). But I digress.
I thought this was a pretty cool label, though I never saw it on store shelves in 2004. Must've missed it.
Ahh, the beer girls. Where would this industry be without them.
Excellent looking head after pouring into a 500cc glass.
Foam held very well after taking a first sip, which has some bitterness which lingers a tad long.
Does have same consistent taste after follow-up swills.
There seems to be something lacking versus its excellent brother, Taiwan Beer Draft (review), but at least it is much better than the original, Taiwan Beer.
Not yet 1/4 done and that feeling in my head slightly comes back. Burned again, but only somewhat.
Remembered the plan while drinking the original, so out came some snacks.
Planned worked well.
Becomes slightly duller on the last 1/3 of swiling.
Still has that distinct smell on the final gulp. Shall it get a bonus mug? Nah....
The last chaser turned out a bit weak.
Thanks go out to for the baseball label and chicks' pics.
Beer type: Lager
Alcohol content: 4.5%
Price for 600cc bottle: N$50
Rating (out of 10):