Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Taiwan Beer Gold Medal Draft - 金牌台湾生啤酒 "The Hideaway"

Not having posted here in a span of time does not mean I haven't further imbibed in some of Taiwan's local brew. It's tough sweating up a storm feeding a hungry kid, and hence carbo-loading with some beer hits the spot. Along with its brother Taiwan Draft Beer, Taiwan Beer Gold Metal Draft in a bottle is rather hard to find in a local store if one is thirsting for it. Thankfully, one day I made it to the basement of Breeze Center and into c!ty'super just to gaze at their european beer selection. Lo and behold I saw they carried the latter and so naturally had to buy one for more celebration of earth's new addition.

A more artistic label than that of its sibling.

Nice head, but loses form in only a few minutes.

Tastes much much better than regular Gold Medal by a long mile.

On day of imbibing, temp outside was 29. Definitely good sunny day for a brew. 

Burps arriving on time like a Swiss train.

Same slight bitterness as with the regular Gold Medal.

Actually rather good. Will add it along with Taiwan Draft Beer. 

Type: Lager
Alcohol: 5%
Price for 600cc bottle: N$55
Rating (2 mugs for 2nd child):  

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guinness Draught - 健力士黑生啤酒 - iontas!

And now we interrupt this program for a news bulletin. It's a boy! First reaction in Gaelic: "iontas!" And quite a healthy, bouncing one at that. So, without further delay, a salute to his health and that of the mother with a fine beer.

Only way to drink it (if not at a pub in Ireland) is from the Nitro can.

Decent head remained throughout. Here's to his mother who was a trooper throughout it all.

Here's to his weight and length, above the chart lines.

Here's to helping raise Taiwan's world-low fertility rate of 0.895%.
Good to the last drop. Here's to increasing the average number of kids per couple.

Beer type:  stout
Alcohol content:  4.2%
Price for 440cc Nitro can:  N$76-85

Rating (an event like this has to get 10):