And now we interrupt this program for a news bulletin. It's a boy! First reaction in Gaelic: "iontas!" And quite a healthy, bouncing one at that. So, without further delay, a salute to his health and that of the mother with a fine beer.
Only way to drink it (if not at a pub in Ireland) is from the Nitro can. |
Decent head remained throughout. Here's to his mother who was a trooper throughout it all. |
Here's to his weight and length, above the chart lines. |
Here's to helping raise Taiwan's world-low fertility rate of 0.895%. |
Good to the last drop. Here's to increasing the average number of kids per couple. |
Beer type: stout
Alcohol content: 4.2%
Price for 440cc Nitro can: N$76-85
Rating (an event like this has to get 10):
Guinness. I haven't had that in something like forever. They used to sell Murphy's Irish Stout for some unexplainable reason at one of the local 7-11s, but it quickly disappeared from Taitung. I would kill for another Murphy's, but I would gouge out someone's eye for a Guinness. You ever had Arrogant Bastard Ale? I miss that beer deeply. It's not my favorite heavy beer (that honor would go to Elysium's "Dragontooth"), but it's damn good. This talk of Guinness has got me guessing when I can have a decent dark beer again.