TTL's pathetic ad effort for M!NE (I could've done this campaign for free):
Interesting is where TTL introduces the brew on its website, because TTL has the word "light" in the link, while having "twbeer", "gold", & "draft" in the links for the other beers. Why put up "light' when they could've used "mine" or "malt". Did I just solve some sort of puzzle?: site
Has a strong nice-looking head of foam, just like its older brothers.
Certainly TTL knows the foam part of the brewing process.A bite to it after the first sip. A decent slightly bitter bite.
Must be the "malt" to it.
Doesn't feel like I'm drinking anything like Schlitz Malt Liquor from the 70s. [Cue commercial]
Flavor remains for each swill, but nothing to write back to the brewer about.
Label says "made from extracts of malts and hops". That first bitter bite may have been the latter.
Good strong first burp.
Certainly TTL knows how to produce decent burps.
On the label TTL also telling the imbiber it's brewed a "Distinctive Flavor Beer".
It's distinctive for a beer from TTL, no doubt.
But that's not saying much, considering their small lineup of brews (can't yet field a baseball team, and this is from a company with a near monopoly).
No need for any food to help finish it, unlike the original Taiwan Beer.
Beer type: malt
Alcohol content: 5%
Price for 600cc bottle: N$48-55
Rating (gets 2 mugs for reminding me of GH's song):

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